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  1. Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way?

    September 17, 2021 by Oren Pardes

    Are you a leader? Are you a follower? Are you in the way? Are you none of these? Or are you maybe more than one of these at the same time? What might other people consider you to be?

    Do others ask you to take them to your leader? Do you ask others to take you to their leader?

    Do you ask others to be taken to you? Do you ever ask to be taken to anyone’s followers (either individually or collectively)? What about asking to be taken to those considered to somehow be “in the way” (with or without a leader)? What about asking about and/or for any other ways?

    Follow my lead? Some leaders are easier to follow than others but to “follow the leader” at all, often depends more upon who is led than how by who. Leadership is contingent and dependent upon followership and cannot exist in a vacuum.

    What makes anyone a leader? Without at least one follower, nobody can be said to be leading. The help of others – often those being helped (often to help even more others) is usually needed.

    Better than simply “following” what I post online would be to Help Me Help You Help Others. Help Me to Help You to Help Others, too.

  2. The Most Important Step

    September 8, 2021 by Oren Pardes

    A single step might begin a long journey – but that step does not always involve the feet. The same is so for dancing. The most important step taken in almost everything in life is in the mind – and what we do before our body moves.

    Most social partner dance teachers today tend to start their lessons by telling people what/how to do some kind of step and turn pattern – even before playing any music. But dancing doesn’t necessarily involve steps or turns at all.

    Dancing is body movement in harmony with music. Most movement – even to travel – is really about weight change. Weight change and body movement always begin before any actual or eventual stepping with the feet (to any beat).

    Dancing involves the entire body – not just the feet. In fact, feet are not even needed to dance – but they are useful. Many animals (with and without two or more feet) “dance” – for joy or during “courtship rituals” (prior to “mating”).

    Partner dancing typically begins with an invitation/request to dance together and its acceptance – and all movement from that point on by either or both is as much a part of the dance together as when a couple is actually “dancing”.

    What differentiates music from just noise is that the sounds and silence are organized into a structured pattern – that fit whatever venue and audience it is meant for. Every culture has its own musical styles and traditions but what is true for all of them is that the types of music played outside is not the same as music meant to be heard in in an elevator or on your phone (while you are on hold) and music played in a bar or tavern is not the same as music in a café or restaurant or what is meant for a concert hall or a night club – not just because the acoustics are different but so are the types of people at these different places. Music most chosen for movies and radio only represents a small percentage of the many different kinds of music that people actually play – and sing and dance to (in other venues).

    Most songs are similar to stories. Regardless of the order presented, they have a beginning, middle, and end. There is usually a theme of some kind with different parts and patterns at different times with some sequences repeating.

    When dancing to a song, it is important to match not just the “beat” but what point in the “story” one is rhythmically moving “through” – including repeating the same or similar things when the music does. And how one dances with a partner also should reflect “where” or “when” in what kind of relationship those involved might be at any given time.

    Steps and patterns can often be learned or simply made up, led and/or followed – but the most important step of all in almost everything in life, including all forms of dancing seldom involve the feet, let alone moving them anywhere.

  3. Year of the Dog – Language of Love

    February 19, 2018 by Oren Pardes

    On many East Asian calendars, 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Humans are sometimes compared to or called dogs – either as a compliment or as an insult. Dogs are considered by many to be “man’s best friend” – yet are popular with women, too (sometimes more than men are). (more…)

  4. Music is a Language – Dance is a Conversation

    January 22, 2018 by Oren Pardes

    Music is a language – and so is dance. A song is musical communication (from musicians and singers) TO those who hear it – and musical conversation WITH those who dance to it. A dance is a physically moving expression of the music, lyrics, and dancers’ eMotions. Like languages, different music, songs, and dances all have their own distinct structure, grammatical rules, appropriate and acceptable usage, and traditional meanings that may not exist in others. (more…)

  5. Orgasm

    July 26, 2016 by Oren Pardes

    Cultivating Sexual Energy

    Masters and Johnson defined orgasm in the clinical context as the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by an intense sensation of pleasure. (more…)

  6. Basics of Social Partner Dancing

    July 25, 2016 by Oren Pardes

    The “BASICS” of social partner dancing is NOT any standard stepping pattern, but how partners connect and move – with the music and each other. Far WORSE than lacking any instruction is having been taught – badly. Ignorance is always preferred to ingrained bad habits and beliefs.

    In order to learn more, people often first have to “unlearn” what they think they already know. (more…)

  7. Music Venues and Dance Fusions

    July 25, 2016 by Oren Pardes

    WHERE a song is played or INTENDED to be HEARD – and possibly DANCED to – tends to affect its structural composition – catering to the expected acoustics as much as the audience. (more…)

  8. Following

    July 25, 2016 by Oren Pardes

    FOLLOWING a partner requires doing what the LEADER does – EVEN when it is NOT what the follower expects, desires, or is used to – and MUCH of the problem many people have dancing together is really the fault of the FOLLOWER (who often really does NOT know how to follow – (more…)

  9. Relationship Priorities: Who comes FIRST?

    July 21, 2016 by Oren Pardes

    WHO cones FIRST? The chicken or the egg? The male or the female? Women and children? Customers? God, Country, Corps? Partner or parent? Spouse or offspring? Self or others?

    Who comes FIRST seems to be controversial question regarding relationship priorities – but it should not be. (more…)

  10. Essential Components in Learning a New Dance

    April 25, 2016 by Oren Pardes

    Interested in learning a new dance or better dancing an old one? What is REALLY required? (more…)